LGU Loans
LGU Loans LGU –Salary loan is a loan being offered to all LGU Officers and Employee either permanent or Job Order of certain municipalities. Objectives To be able to finance…
LGU Loans LGU –Salary loan is a loan being offered to all LGU Officers and Employee either permanent or Job Order of certain municipalities. Objectives To be able to finance…
AGRARIAN REFORM CREDIT(AGRA) This refers to the amortized cost of production and other types of loans granted to beneficiaries of agrarian reform, namely:…
HONORARIUM LOANS This loan is designed for Sanguniang Barangay Officials both elective and appointive position such as Brgy. Captain, Councilors, Secretary and Treasurer. This is also offered to Brgy. Day…
Vendors loan This refer to the amortized cost of other loans granted to individuals that cannot be classified under any of the foregoing classification. Objectives To extend lending services to…
TRUCK/VAN LOANS This refer to the amortized cost of other loans granted to individuals that cannot be classified under any of the foregoing classification. Truck Loans Van Loans truck loan(Purchasing…
commercial loans Loans to individual engaged in business related activities but not qualified under SME loan product PURPOSE Borrowers fall under this kind of loan are also engaged in business…
Microfinance loans MICRO GROUPINGS ENHANCED MICRO MICRO PLUS MICRO GROUPING Loans granted to the poor and low-income households for their microenterprises and small business Objectives To help enterprising individuals improve…
sMALL AND mEDIUM eNTERPRISE lOANS This loan is offered to businesses who are small scale and medium scale enterprises. Small Scale Enterprises Loans…
Agricultural loans Loans granted to borrowers who are not beneficiaries of agrarian reform but engaged in agricultural related activities relating to processing, marketing, storage and distribution of products . Rice…